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Hikers in Mountainous Landscape

Green Tea Party Radio is Here! 
Episodes are linked below. 


Episode 32 

Climate Change Good News and Bad News

There is a lot to be hopeful about climate change. Oh and there is a stingray that has had a virgin birth. 

Climate Change Good News and Bad News

Climate Change is always framed as a tragedy, but that's not the full picture In this episode, Zack and Katie explore both the good and the bad in climate change. 


Episode 32 


Episode 31 

Navigating Economic Impact: The Baltimore Bridge Disaster and The Jones Act 

When the bridge collapsed, it wasn't just steel and concrete that shattered, it was also the lives of dozens of Americans. To understand this, Zack and Hannah revisit a century old law: The Jones Act and explore how this antiquated law might be hurting more than helping. 

Liquid Assets: The High Stakes of Water Management 

Water is the world's most precious resource, but also a resource that few people seem to be aware of. Water is both integral to the development of a society, but also a very precarious resource. 


Episode 30 


Episode 29 

Everything You Wanted to Know about Carbon Pricing but are Too Conservative to Ask

Carbon Pricing has support from a broad range of people from conservatives to academics, economists and environmentalists. It has been effective in protecting economic and environmental interests. Interested in learning more? Give the episode a listen. 

Could You Rather? Conservative Environmentalist Edition 

There are many trade-offs in environmentalism, so why not make a game out of it? From talking about Green Roofs versus walkability to comparing bike share programs with EV tax credits, we will be taking a lioght hearted approach to each of these issues. 


Episode 28 


Episode 27 

Dictators, Liberal Elites, and Stingray Jesus

What would it mean to live in an autocratic government that prioritizes the environment? Would it even be good for the environment? 

Water Wars, Crawfish and Conservative Dilemmas

We delve into the issues facing Louisiana crawfish and then pivot to a playful game of conservative Would-You-Rather. It's a light hearted episode where the hosts get to pick each other's brain. 


Episode 26


Episode 25 

Chinese Dictators, Nancy Pelosi's Stock Portfolio, and Conservative Climate Change Action 

In times of crisis, governments grab power, and democracy erodes. In this episode, we explore the importance of preserving democracy in the face of environmental change. 

What kind of political system best addresses climate change? 

On the left we always hear calls for larger government, especially in times of crisis. However, like many of us, we are skeptical of whether or not the government is the best solution. We talk about the  importance of democracy, limited government in solving environmental problems, and compare them to authoritarian regimes. 

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Episode 24


Episode 23

Climate Votes Count: Shaking Up the System with Ranked-Choice

Have you ever felt like your vote doesn't count? Well, it's not just you, and there are better ways that we can vote to make our votes more democratic, more effective and less like you have to pick between two evils. 

Pro-Life Values in the Fight Against Climate Change

Being Pro-Life is a deeply held value for Zack, Katie and Hannah, but it extends beyond the womb and into their environmental work. They discuss the importance of life both human and animal, and the importance of protecting the planet so the children that we are raising will have a stabe place to call home. 


Episode 22


Episode 21

Young Conservatives on why the Climate is NOT voting for Trump in 2024

Hannah and Zack dissect a new article called 'The Climate Can't Handle Another Trump Presidency' Posted in the Atlantic. At the cusp of graduation, Hannah talks about how important green job creation is to her, and how another Trump presidency could threaten that. 

Republican Did What?! History of Conservative environmentalism

Did you know that some of the most environmental presidents were the most conservative ones? The EPA and The Clean Air Act were both passed by conservatives. This episode shows a long history of environmental mindedness within the Republican Party.


Episode 20


Episode 19

Mean Green Republican Presidential Power Moves

Think Republican President's don't care about the environment? Think again. History is filled with examples of Republican Presidents leading the charge for the environment. Listen to this episode as we do a deep historical dive. 

Michael Jefferies and Market Solutions for Climate Change

This is the second part of the series with Michael Jeffries. In this episode Michael Jeffries discusses the power that conservative principles like free markets can have to make a difference in the environment. 


Episode 18

Episode 17

Republicans for Climate Change Solutions with Michael Jefferies

Michael Jefferies offers a fresh perspective on climate change and conservative values. The dialogue revolves around sound, principles approaches to solutions and challenges facing the road ahead. 

Sharing Your Political Views Without Inciting a Riot

It almost seems like it s difficult to talk politics without ruffling some feathers, especially if you have nuanced views like environmentally minded conservatives. On this episode, Zack and Katie walk you through personal anecdotes, recent debates and provide a toolkit to make these conversations successful.


Episode 16


Episode 15

Conservative Student Shares Climate Change Perspective

A conservative student shares his experience being a conservative student at a Liberal University. He describes his feelings on environmentalism and the role that conservatives can play in making a difference in the environment.

CBAM?! Hot Damn! Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

Many conservatives are nervous to enact climate change policies because they are afraid that other countries won't also be accountable for their own emissions. To solve this problem, implementing a Carbon Border Adjustment to hold our trading partners accountable for their emissions is crucial. 


Episode 14


Episode 13

UN COP out? Private Jets & Oil Barrons Take on Climate Change

Can a Country Dependent on Oil take climate change seriously? With COP 28 being held in the UAE, it seems that it is going to be another year of disappointment. 

Part 1: Preserving Our Legacy: David Jenkins on Conservative Environmentalism

In this second-part of the episode, David Jenkins advocates for state-level clean energy standards as a pragmatic approach to ensure a transition to low-emission energy sources. For young conservatives who are passionate about environmental issues, Jenkins advocates for boldness, engagement with skeptics, and underpin arguments with core conservative values. 

Episode 12

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Episode 11

Part 1: Preserving Our Legacy: David Jenkins on Conservative Environmentalism

A powerful interview with David Jenkins, President of Conservatives for Responsible Stewardship. David Jenkins shares his story as a life long conservative and environmentalist. 

Ep 10: Elephants, Donkeys, and Liberal Therapists: Young Conservatives on mental health.

Why are conservatives much happier than liberals? Conservatives are more likely to engage with community, be religious and emphasize individual accountability, which are all more likely to increase a person's mental health. 


Episode 10


Episode 9

Shein Dresses, Prosperity Gospels, and Jesus the Environmentalist.

Materialism and Christianity are antithetical to each other. Environmentalism and the teachings of Jesus are very closely related to each other. Prosperity gospels imply that wealth is holy, and encourage people to consume in excess, which are all in direct opposition to the teachings of Jesus in the New Testament. 

Tomato Soup Stunts vs. Climate Reality: A Candid Discussion

In a world where climate change and environmental concerns are increasingly part of the national discourse, it's crucial to explore how conservative values align in the activism space. What if someone threw tomato soup on to a priceless piece of artwork in your home to advocate for the climate? How would that bizarre act connect to the climate?


Episode 8


Episode 7

Keeping It On Track: The Conservative Case for Choosing Rails Over Air

As the modern world grapples with sustainable travel solutions, Zach and Hannah put the spotlight on an important issue that often gets overlooked: the benefits of investing in high-speed rail infrastructure. Their dynamic discussion illuminates the current state of travel in the U.S. and hints at how a renewed focus on railways could revolutionize the way we move around.


Conservative Confessions: I Hugged a Tree and Liked It!

In this episode Zack, Katie and Hannah dive into what makes them conservative and what makes them environmental as well. They express frustration over their conservative beliefs being overlooked as well as their environmental beliefs. Katie describes how she went from staunch climate skeptic to passionate environmentalist and Hannah shares how her faith created the backdrop for her advocacy.


Episode 6


Episode 5

Hail Marys and Healthy Planets: A Conservative Catholic Climate Catechism

On this episode of the Green Tea Party, Katie Zakrzewski and Zach Torpie dive into the topic of faith and its impact on our views on the environment. They begin by highlighting the significance of Pope Francis' recent announcement of a follow-up document to his encyclical letter on caring for creation. They note that while Christian denominations generally agree on the importance of caring for God's creation, politics and misinformation often complicate the issue.

Flirting with Sustainability: Conservatives' Sensual Self-Reliance

What does Sustainability mean on an individual level? How can we take our environmental footprint and our livelihood into our own hands? The answer is simple: Self-Sufficiency. 


Episode 4

Episode 3

The Eco Right Speaks: A Candid Chat with Chelsea Henderson on Conservative Climate Change Action

In this episode of Green Tea Radio, environmental policy expert Chelsea Henderson joins the hosts to discuss conservative perspectives on environmental issues, especially climate change. Chelsea is republicEn’s Director of Editorial Content, and host of the EcoRight Speaks podcast

Petroleum and Pumpkin Spice: How Our Reliance on Foreign Oil Compromises America's Future

Katie, Zack and Hannah are really tired of foreign governments controlling the price of energy in America. Why should the price Americans pay at the pump be dictated by literal dictators? What does that mean for national security? 




Episode 2


Episode 1

Nuclear Energy, The Conservative's Clean Safe Alternative

Nuclear Energy has been the center of much debate about its safety, efficacy, environmental safety and its role in mitigating climate change. Zack, Katie and Hannah will guide you through each of these points through their  principled  conservative lens. 

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